


언제나 고객님들께 친절히


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제목과 작성일, 작성자, 조회수, 첨부파일, 내용을 제공합니다.


  • 작성일2024-03-12
  • 작성자김안나
  • 조회수254
Dear Director and Executives of the Multicultural Center I would like to report korean classmates 3-4 people Vietnam woman most youngest in our class 중급반, they usually annoying another friend loudly speech with less manner, another people same class they feel same but no one do anything, since last year. I hope center make solution about this situation , really annoying especially before studying we need calm and mood for studying. they need learn how to have manners and how to live with the other people and respect another people. best regards Anna kim
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